Saturday, January 26, 2019


Trees are fascinating.... to watch, to climb, to listen to, to sketch, to sit under.

I am drawn to their natural balance, inspired by the patterns found as the limbs grow in opposite directions and the roots spread undetected beneath the soil.

A few years ago I planted a half dead willow tree in my front yard, dutifully nursed it back to health and watched it recover. This little sapling grew into a fierce beast able to withstand the elements while maintaining it's serenity. It freely dances in the constant breeze and is able to hold a yoga pose in the intense high desert wind that tears through our little valley, all the while, the leaves, along for the ride, are singing in harmony as they fight to stay aboard the shifting limbs.
Once a year I trim the straggly branches  that are not pleasing to the eye or that have altered the shape I desire from it. This had proven to be a challenging goal to attain. The same wind that send my front yard into full choral arrangement also beats against the west side creating a permanent bend in the trunk. (oh I know what you green thumbs are thinking and I did put additional support with fence posts and rope when it was a sapling, but the perpetual blasts of wind were simply too much)

The tree stands, misshapen, but still she stands with a tall unique silhouette marking the north side of my home. 

While the top visible part shows imperfection to even the untrained eye, that which cannot be seen holds the tree in it's place, immovable even in the toughest gusts. This is the best part.  At least half the tree is underground, where no one can see it, no one can hurt it, no one can change it. Aw, to be like a tree, to hide most of myself in the ground, safe and simply left to grow. But I can be like this, by storing my dreams in the hands of God, placing my fears upon the footstool of The Almighty.

My strength comes from that which cannot be seen by the world.

As I move and change within this world, I make mistakes that can unbalance my existence and draft a haphazard silhouette. As time changes the seasons and I allow God to have His way, the lopsided branches are trimmed and the roots grow stronger.  Knowing this I can ask, "Am I ready to place my growth into the hands of the one who designed my pattern." If I truly hand over my path to the Creator, I will find that less of me will require trimmings and more of myself will be rooted in His Almighty plan.  

In the meantime I practice finding and walking in balance.  I have yet to maintain harmonious balance for long stretches of time however I have enjoyed the moments where that happens. When the balance of sharing and secluding my thoughts and dreams are on track, still, more often than not it's all or nothing. I either spew everything out on the table leaving the room in disgust at the amount of nonsense that just rolled across their path, or I shut everyone out and hide from the world.

So where is that balance?
How do I keep my roots hidden in the Lord while living a visible life in front of people?

This is my prayer for all of us fighting to honor our time, our family, our church, our job, (and the list goes on) that we each find the balance of resting and rooting in God while growing outwardly and taking His love with us. 

Have a blessed day.

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